Black power

Black Power | National Archives

Black Power is a political slogan and a name which is given to various associated ideologies which aim to achieve self-determination for black people.

Black Power began as revolutionary movement in the 1960s and 1970s. It emphasized racial pride, economic empowerment, and the creation of political and cultural institutions. During this era, there was a rise in the demand for Black history courses, a greater embrace of African culture, and a spread of raw artistic expression displaying the realities of African Americans. The

Black Power – Wikipedia

Black Power – Wikipedia

The Black Power Movement of the 1960s and 1970s was a political and social movement whose advocates believed in racial pride, self-sufficiency, and equality …

Black power – Wikipedia

Black Power – Store norske leksikon

Black Power – Store norske leksikon

«Black Power» er både et slagord og en samlebetegnelse på en sosial bevegelse 1960- og 1970-tallet. Black Power-bevegelsen vokste ut av en misnøye med hva borgerrettighetsbevegelsen var i stand til å oppnå for svarte i USA, og et ønske om selvråderett og økt politisk og økonomisk makt for svarte amerikanere.Begrepet Black Power dukket først opp i skrift som tittel på Richard Wrights bok ved samme navn i 1954, men ble kjent i den videre offentligheten da Stokely Carmichael fra borgerrettsorganisasjonen The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) brukte det som slagord under en demonstrasjon i Mississippi i 1966.

The Foundations of Black Power

The Foundations of Black Power | National Museum of African American History and Culture

Black Power | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and …

Black Power | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute

Although African American writers and politicians used the term “Black Power” for years, the expression first entered the lexicon of the civil rights movement during the Meredith March Against Fear in the summer of 1966. Martin Luther King, Jr., believed that Black Power was “essentially an emotional concept” that meant “different things to different people,” but he worried that the slogan carried “connotations of violence and separatism” and opposed its use (King, 32; King, 14 October 1966). The controversy over Black Power reflected and perpetuated a split in the civil rights movement between organizations that maintained that nonviolent methods were the only way to achieve civil rights goals and those organizations that had become frustrated and were ready to adopt violence and black separatism.

The Black Power Movement | DPLA

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How the Black Power Movement Influenced the Civil …

Black Power (article) – Khan Academy

Black Power (article) | Khan Academy

Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

Black Power | American philosophical movement | Britannica

Other articles where Black Power is discussed: African Americans: Urban upheaval: “Black Power” became popular in the late 1960s. The slogan was first used by Carmichael in June 1966 during a civil rights march in Mississippi. However, the concept of Black power predated the slogan. Essentially, it refers to all the attempts by African Americans to…

Keywords: black power